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Advice from a Landlady

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Looking For or Renting Out?


“Sup dawg! WYD?”

Dude, can you hook me up with a crash-pad?”

“I swear I’m fun/responsible/friendly/not-an-axe-murderer.”

These are all terrible ways to introduce yourself when looking for a property to rent. When you’re looking for a rental, or renting your place out, it’s really an interview process.  Don’t show up smelling like a seedy bar that you were in the night before. Handshakes and eye contact are important. Put on some clean clothes, brush your hair and teeth and make sure to use your real first name and stay away from slang.

In November I wrote about some etiquette tips and tricks for hosting events in your home. What seems like common sense to some is not common sense to all. This also applies to potential tenants of a property and is just as important as a landlord or landlady.  

As a landlady and property manager I’ve had my fair share of “different” experiences and I’ve only been in the business a few years. When I asked my managing Broker (who has been in Real Estate more years than I have been alive) if he had any different rental stories, his response was- how many do you want? The most valuable thing I gained from his stories is to most importantly have a solid contract that both the tenant and the owner agree to and sign. If there’s something in the contract that doesn’t make sense or needs clarification, ask and write an addendum to clarify terms. 

 This document is going to be the most important thing if anything goes to court and if lawyers have to get involved. This is another important reason you use a local Realtor Broker to go over the documents. Real Estate firms write leases following all their local RSAs, note they vary from state to state. Following laws helps you sleep at night as it of major importance, unless you like living on the wild side and risk a good chance of shelling out big bucks for fines and the necessity of hiring a lawyer. Bottom line; be present, responsible, read everything, ask questions if you don’t understand and get it on paper with all required signatures.

Do you have any stories you’d like to share? Leave a comment below or email me at with your tale. I’ll it or answer questions in my next Advice from a Landlady.

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