Buying your first home can be emotionally and financially challenging. With rising home prices, limited inventory, down-payment requirements and upfront expenses, it's enough to overwhelm someone right out of the process. In New Hampshire some local banks recognize how difficut entering the housing market can be and have taken some steps to offer some relief. In association with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston some banks can offer the Equity Buider Program (EBP). The program is available to income eligibe households who can get up to $15,000 to use towards a down payment or cosing costs.
Of course there are program parameters and buyers must still be eligibe to obtain a mortgage but how can you not investigate an opportunity to access funds that don't accrue interest and only have to be repaid if the home is sold within the first five years. Each year that passes, the grant would be reduced by 20% and after five years the Equity Buider Grant would effectively be forgiven,
It's important to note that Income limits apply, and brrowers are subject to credit approval. The Equity Builder Grant Program is offered for a limited time and funds are awarded on a first-come, frst-served basis - not guaranteed or reserved.
Local Banks understand the challenges that come with purchasing your first home. No matter how much you plan and save, sometimes you just need a little extra help. To learn more about EBP or to see if you might qualify, contact one of the loca lenders in your area that are offering the program.
Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank, Marcie Gowen (Plymouth) (603) 536-4908,;
Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank, Terry Daniels (Littleton) (603) 444-5237,;
Franklin Savings Bank, Ron Poitras, (603) 934-0421,
Bank of NH, Flora Boyce, (603) 527-3966,
In addition to EBP funds, Woodsville Guaranty Savings Ban is offerig HOW (Housing Our Woorkforce). The program is intended for households with incomes about EBP program limits to still benefit with some funds to match a borrowers down payment 2:1 . Wheras a borrower gives the seller a $5,000 down payment, the Bank is able to match those funds with an additional $10,000. The funds are for down payment ony and they must be the borrower's own funds, gifts will not be matched. Again, there are many program parameters so borrowers who think they may quaify should contact Marcie or Terry.
Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank, Marcie Gowen (Plymouth) (603 536-4908,;
Woodsville Guaranty Savings Bank, Terry Daniels (Littleton) (603) 444-5237,;